Before we get started below the cut, I'll also announce a new feature on the blog. I've posted a list on with a list of Bridge reference books that I use in this blog (and in play). If you buy one from the link to the right I get some tiny gift certificate, so go ahead. This is a fancy way of including a bibliography more than anything else.
One final note, I've been told some of these columns are a bit long to read and make sense out of. I'm going to try tweaking the format a bit to make things clearer, mixing the discussion in with the walkthrough of the bidding, and reprinting some of the pieces of the hand to prevent having to scroll up and down. Feedback in the comments is welcome!
The Hand In Question
South | West | North | East |
Pass | Pass | 1 | 2 |
Pass (!) | 3 | All Pass | |
Anyway, a negative double by South should show at least one (not two) four card major and 8 HCP. If the 3 of clubs had been an ace, you could make the negative double, but in the hand shown you just don't have enough points.
Negative doubles are a complicated convention, and one I'm interested in exploring in this column. They are allegedly very useful, so I'm anxious to see situations where they come in handy.
Next, let's look back at the takeout double from Dark Bridge 004:
The Hand In Question
South | West | North | East |
1 | Double | Pass | 2 |
Pass | 2 | Pass | 2 |
Pass | 4 | All Pass |
The question came up (not in the comments unfortunately, but on IM) as to why West does not simply overcall in spades. An overcall is a reasonable bid here, and I would not go so far as to consider it wrong. I would probably choose the double (as I recommended) because it gives partner more options. If they had a four card heart fit, and I overcalled, it gets harder to find the find the fit at a lower level. If West had weaker hearts and stronger spades, I might consider the overcall instead. This one is going to be up to you and your partner.
If you have questions on these or any hands posted here, please feel free to comment below. I hope to make this an interactive forum for discussing bidding problems.
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