The Hand In Question
South | West | North | East |
Pass | Pass | 1 | 1 |
1 | 4 | All Pass |
The Auction
We have a challenging competitive auction here, but one that let's us focus in detail on something we have mentioned before: The Law of Total Tricks.
South: 9542 A82Q58764
6 points, balanced distribution. Yuck.
West: A Q10653J8763J9
5-5, come alive! Or not. This hand has 8 HCP, but an emphasis of Queens and Jacks. West passes, and hopes East gets into the auction.
North: KJ107 KJ972AKQ10
17 HCP and 4-4 in the majors looks nice. With an unbalanced hand, this has to be opened in a suit. So 1 it is.
It is worth noting that this hand might go better for North/South if North opens 1NT. East is less likely to come in at 2 than at 1, but North does not really know that. With 4-4-4-1, if South transfers to diamonds, they could end up playing in a 6-1 diamond fit, which would be less than ideal. If the singleton was one of a major, this would be a terrible idea (you might end up 5-1 in a major, and doubled). We'll revisit this later on.
East: Q863 4AK1094532
With a 5 card suit with nice texture (i.e the 10 and the 9), 10 points, and a source of tricks in hearts, this hand is close to perfect for a low level overcall. East easily bids 1.
South: 9542 A82Q58764
South has 6 points, and scrapes up a bid of 1. It's ugly but a 4 card major.
West: A Q10653J8763J9
West can barely contain his glee. He bids 4. Why 4? Because he realizes that the side has 10 trumps between them, and he obeys the 'Law of Total Tricks.'
The Law of Total Tricks is a guideline that says, in a competitive auction, you can safely bid up to taking the number of tricks equal to the combining total trumps on the side. So 10 trump = 10 tricks = 4. With 5-5 distribution, a lovely fit, and likely sources of tricks, West gleeful takes away all of the bidding room of North/South.
North: KJ107 KJ972AKQ10
North is screwed. Their normal bid here is 3, inviting game and showing 17-19 points. If they go to 4, and South has a minimum hand, they will get set. If they pass, they could miss an easy game if South has the higher end of the range.
One thing North does see is that the opponents have a fit (diamonds) and 10 diamonds. That means South only has two. Diamonds is unlikely to be a source of tricks for North/South as they simply will not be able to ruff them. That takes away from the usefulness of the distribution, meaning they should not count many distribution points on this hand. With 17 HCP, chances are this is going to go badly; North decides to pass.
The Play
Here's the whole hand again:
At 4 diamonds, South is on lead. South decides to start with the 8, leading the suit North bid. Dummy goes down.
East sees 5 trump tricks on a likely favorable break (2-1). They should be able to take a spade and then ruff two spade tricks in the dummy. They will end up ruffing a club to start, leaving them short enough diamonds to ruff the 4th spade. That's 9 tricks. A heart trick is possible as well with the queen, if they can set up the cross ruff.
East plays the J from the dummy; North takes with the A. North than cashes the King of clubs. North then leads the 7 of spades, forcing West into the Ace. Dummy plays a low diamond back to East's Ace and King, clearing the diamonds. North discards a heart on the King. East returns a heart, South ducks, West plays the Queen, and North takes with the King. North returns the 9 of hearts. East ruffs, and South plays the 8. East comes back with the 6 of spades, ruffing in the dummy. Returning a heart and ruffing in declarer's hand, East then sends back the 8 of spades, ruffing in the dummy. At that point, all the hearts are gone and West has three winners. East/West make their contract.
Can North/South make any spade contract?
If North bids on to 4 spades, there's a decent chance East doubles. West is on lead. West leads a diamond, matching East's bid. Dummy goes down.
North/South have two, maybe three spade tricks missing the A and the Q. Given that East overcalled the finesse is unlikely to succeed, so call that two. Four club tricks are possible, and two heart tricks for a total of eight. Ruffing a diamond makes nine. One shy of four...
East takes the diamond trick, and returns a heart. South takes with the Ace, and returns a diamond. Jack of spades from the dummy draws both the Queen and the Ace in West's hand. West returns a heart, ruffed by East. The contract is decided on whether dummy plays the King or Jack on this trick; play the King and four makes as dummy will have all winners, save the nine of hearts which they can ruff in declarer's hand, taking the remaining tricks. Play the King, and West can defend their Queen and take one more trick.
A trump lead by West changes the Ace and Queen on the same trick play, and gives North/South only three.
North/South was wise not to bid further.
- Remember the Law of Total Tricks in competitive bidding
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